Deep cleanings refer to a cleaning procedure that’s more in-depth than regular dental cleaning.
Professional teeth cleanings, also known as dental cleanings, are performed every six months and help prevent oral health problems such as decay or gum disease. The deep cleaning treatment goes beyond a regular cleaning to remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar from the roots of the teeth and under the gum line.
When Should Deep Clean Teeth?
Deep cleaning of teeth is important when patients are experiencing:
1. Gum Disease
Having gingivitis or periodontal disease means that your gums are inflamed and irritated. This can cause your gums to pull away from the teeth. If you don’t treat gum disease, it can lead to more serious problems like tooth or bone loss.
2. Bad Breath
Deep cleanings can remove plaque and tartar that have built up on your teeth. This can help to freshen your breath, as well as prevent future bad breath.
What are the Different Types of Deep Cleaning Procedures?
The different types of deep cleaning procedures are, as follows:
Prophylaxis cleaning: Prophylaxis involves basic cleaning of your teeth. This preventive dental treatment is recommended every six months. Through this procedure, the dentist removes plaque and tartar build-up, which are the main causes of decay, tooth discoloration, and bad breath.
Full Mouth Debridement: During the full mouth debridement procedure, your dentist in Joliet IL will scrape your teeth clean of plaque and tartar and remove all debris from above the gumline. If you have advanced gum disease, you may need full mouth debridement.
SRP (Scaling and Root planning): Scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning procedure that removes plaque and tartar from below the gumline. This procedure is often recommended for patients who are experiencing moderate to advanced gum disease.
Perio maintenance: Periodontal maintenance is usually done after SRP on a routine schedule. Your dentist can prevent gum disease from worsening through periodontal maintenance. This treatment can help prevent gum disease from progressing.
What Techniques are used to Deep Clean Teeth?
The dentist will use two dental instruments to clean teeth thoroughly. The first instrument is called a scaler. This handheld instrument has an abrasive surface that works to scrape away tartar from the tooth’s surface. The dentist may use this tool with a slow, back and forth motion, or they may use a circular or elliptical motion to eliminate plaque from the tooth thoroughly.
After scraping away plaque and tartar, the dentist will use a high-powered electric brush to polish the teeth. This instrument uses a special toothpaste and a soft head that rotates at high speeds to remove debris from between the teeth. In addition to removing plaque and tartar, the dentist may also use a special fluoride treatment to strengthen roots.
Is Deep Cleaning Safe?
Deep cleanings are safe for most patients. Our dentist in Joliet may recommend deep cleanings if your gums are inflamed or bleeding when you brush and floss. Deep cleanings are also recommended if you have signs of gingivitis, such as red, swollen, or bleeding gums.
We need to find out why you need the treatment because understanding you help us to understand why you have the issue. For example, do you take medication, do you clench your teeth, do you smoke or do you have stress. Talk to us so regarding it and we can give the right path of solution.
At Dentistry with a Smile, we offer the best dental care possible to each of our patients in a positive and relaxing environment. If you’re ready to experience the best dental care, please contact us at (815) 254-2668 or visit us at 2716 Caton Farm Rd, Joliet, IL 60435.